Saturday, June 26, 2010

Skipped a day...

I was on a road to now where.... cruising through the high mountain deserts of Wyoming with my two little doggers. No book on tape..just radio and cds. Actually made it home just fine. Went to Old Chicago with my girlfriends for a late birthday celebration...had a great time...much laughter, catching up, booze and yummy snacks. I am blessed! Stayed the night at my cousin's house...we talked for a very long time and then did our tarot solstice spot on they were scary. For

my present-the Queen of of luxury, satisfying my needs, sensual and physical. Work hard to get those things so I can sit back and relax and enjoy.

Present Expectations-The Hermit-taking time and finding balance, resting on my staff, accepts the passing of life and knowledge gained. Is alone not lonely, quiet solitude, a little more wary..not so quick to be the fool

What you do not expect-6 of swords- have come through rough times and moving into calmer time, internal move, 6 equals harmony and peace working together.

Near Future-Justice- mental clarity, resolution and balance. Seeing a situation from both sides, impartial lense, red passion and green healing are the colors on the card.

Distant Future- Emperor-protector, wealth, material elements of life, authority, power to influence, real estate dealings.

So those were the cards I pulled and they were profound...speaking to me about so many of the things I have been thinking about while out on the road. I like it...and I love summer solstice.

So, the reasons I want to loose weight...and maybe some of the reasons why I have not been loosing weight???
Reason 1- health, 2- mobility 3- energy 4 roller coasters 5 airplane seats 6 body image 7 clothes 8 ...the list will continue. sighing off!!

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